Stop being resilient India. Be Angry Instead

3 min readApr 27, 2021

I feel helpless. And I’m quite sure, many of you feel the same. If someone with all my privilege feels helpless, then I shudder to think of those less privileged.

Sure, I’m helping people as much as I can, trying to donate whatever little I can, amplifying all the resources with whatever little reach I have. But a question still lingers in my head. Is it enough? Is it all worth it? The answers quickly changed from “Hell yeah”, to “probably” to “I can only hope”.

What can just 1 person do? Right?

Battling COVID19 second wave in India

For a while there, over the past few years, I’d lost hope in humanity. But it has once again surprised me. Our country is going through (once again) a (for lack of a better word) crisis. And as we always do, we’ve jumped into action. Co-ordinating, helping, volunteering, donating. We’re all doing whatever we can to help. Amplifying posts, putting all our networking capabilities to use and helping anyone and everyone in need. It’s heartwarming too see this.

In times to come, we’ll be applauded (or maybe we’ll applaud ourselves) for our resilience and perseverance. For our “Spirit”.

I’m from a city that is known for its spirit. Its resilience and perseverance. No matter what happens, the city comes together to help each other in times of need (except when there are bloody…




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